Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Full Circle..Thanks Troy

You know that old saying, that stuff comes back in a complete cirlce? Well, it has happen to me a lot lately especially now. I was in a bar last night looking for conversation or something and I ran into an old friend. We had a great time hanging out. Flirted a little ok a lot, talked a hell of a lot and then parted our ways. It wasn't until today that the significance hit me. His name was Troy. Same as mine. He was there because he was heart broken after he got dumped by someone he loved just recently. And I sat there trying to tell him don't dwell on it and you just got to move on.

That is exactly what I have been doing for the past year and a half. Dwelling on him, my ex. I'm ready to move on, I got other goals to accomplish and I've wasted too much time and money feeling sorry for what I lost. It's time to find something new and continue this life's journey. I'm ready and looking forward to it.

Goodbye Ed.

Thank you, Troy and you will get through it!

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