Sunday, June 17, 2007

Caution: Time Warp ahead. Destination, 1987. It's going to be a lmao kinda ride.

4 days til my 20th high school class reunion. Join me as I go down memory lane, it's going to be a lmao kinda ride.

It'll be wicked, a term that was popular back in the day. ;)

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Queer Duck

I just came across this surfin' the TV. Why haven't I heard of it? It's on one of the Showtime channels that I rarely watch. But I'll be watching more now. It's hilarious especially the episode of Gay Day Happy Land that I'm watching right now. How ironic.

Find your listings and more here.

Open Thread - 20 Years Ago and A Fish Out of Water

It was twenty years ago when I was officially out of the nest. I was just beginning to discover myself after living a "normal" life in high school. My 20 year high school reunion is next week and I cannot wait. I had a great time in high school. However, I was living the life of a straight teen so I tried to play the part as best as I could. It will be interesting to see if any classmates are either surprised that I'm gay or it was just a secret we all knew but never talked about.

Regardless if they figure it out or not, I will be there with my pride ring on and I will dedicate the song "I'm Coming Out" from Diana Ross as we do have an 80's theme going. ;)

Going to be even stranger to see me old high school girlfriend. I already know what her answer would be, "So that's why you wouldn't french kiss me."

However, the first french kiss I ever did get was from another girlfriend in my senior year. (ladies man, yeah lol) It was homecoming night and we were in my Mom's black 1985 Thunderbird. We were in the parking lot of Wag's, a Denny's type restaurant, waiting for other friends to meet us from the dance. Jessica and I had been going out about a month by then and I figured it was appropriate to let her wear my class ring. That's what you were supposed to do back then. Needless to say, I handed her my class ring and she jumped down my throat like a fish out of water.

So, what memory do you care to share from 20 years ago?

Saturday, June 9, 2007

7 Up

The Space Shuttle Endeavor seen from my front porch here in downtown Orlando
We are students looking not only for answers but for new questions too. Knowledge is power.

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Full Circle..Thanks Troy

You know that old saying, that stuff comes back in a complete cirlce? Well, it has happen to me a lot lately especially now. I was in a bar last night looking for conversation or something and I ran into an old friend. We had a great time hanging out. Flirted a little ok a lot, talked a hell of a lot and then parted our ways. It wasn't until today that the significance hit me. His name was Troy. Same as mine. He was there because he was heart broken after he got dumped by someone he loved just recently. And I sat there trying to tell him don't dwell on it and you just got to move on.

That is exactly what I have been doing for the past year and a half. Dwelling on him, my ex. I'm ready to move on, I got other goals to accomplish and I've wasted too much time and money feeling sorry for what I lost. It's time to find something new and continue this life's journey. I'm ready and looking forward to it.

Goodbye Ed.

Thank you, Troy and you will get through it!

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Best kiss on TV...

I thought it was great and funny. If we have to slowly show them that it is not a big deal, I don't mind if it is 2 straight guys playing the part. And I must say, it was hotter than Ennis and Jack.

See the clip here, haven't figured out how to post the video here yet.